Paula Cocozza

Paula Cocozza

An original debut story of the connection between humans and nature, loneliness and the boundaries of sanity. 

Paula Cocozza is a feature writer at the Guardian, covering everything from fashion to feminism and football. She studied Creative Writing at the University of East Anglia, where she received the David Higham Award. She currently lives in London and How to Be Human is her debut novel.

Mary is lonely and disenfranchised; she has missed out on a promotion at work, has been dumped at New Year, and her house and garden are slowly becoming a mess. However, everything changes when a beautiful fox appears in her garden. As if fate brought him there, she slowly develops a relationship with him; they listen to each other, they respect each other, he brings her meaningful ‘presents’. Mary is finally hearing herself and her wild voice won’t be tamed anymore.

How to Be Human is a deep exploration of loneliness, obsession, the boundaries of sanity and the relationships between humans and nature. An original and eerie debut story.