Ella Frances Sanders & Dominick Tyler (2015 Event)
The mysterious beauty of certain words joins Ella Frances Sanders and Dominick Tyler at the literary hip, as their separate glossaries reveal. Sanders’ Lost In Translation is a beautifully illustrated book which contains a selection of wholly untranslatable words from across the globe while Tyler’s Uncommon Ground is an enchanting visual compendium of Britain’s landscape featuring many terms (tolmen and zawn for two) which are falling into obscurity. Watch their event to find out more.
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Matthieu Aikins, Sally Hayden & Polly Pallister-Wilkins: Bordering on Inhumane
Sergio Della Sala - pt2
Tom Holland: Rome in a Time of Peace
Aleksandar Hemon: Man’s Inhumanity to Man
Tim Winton talks to John Williams at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Claire Askew & Kate Foster: Tales of Two Edinburghs
Karen Campbell and Simon Lelic (2010 event)
Val McDermid & Jo Sharp: Shaping a Better Future
Karl Ove Knausgaard: The Familiar Made Strange
Iain MacRitchie & Rich Thanki: Healing the Digital Divide