Neil Forsyth (2011 Event)
The BBC Radio adaptation of Forsyth's Delete This at Your Peril catapulted the fictional Dundonian anti-hero Bob Servant to national attention. Servant's habit of responding to junk emails and striking up a relationship with their shady foreign senders provides a surprisingly touching and often hilarious portrait of an ordinary man from Broughty Ferry. In this very special event, Bob Servant himself was joined by some guest actors to bring his exuberant emails to life in this unmissable live performance at the 2011 Edinburgh International Book Festival.
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Book Festival News
Celebrating the 2024 Book FestivalMonday 26 August
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Alan Warner reading Sullivan's Ashes
Roddy Doyle reading Los San Patricios
Ian McEwan with Alex Salmond (2012 event)
Outriders: Jennifer Haigh & Malachy Tallack (2017 Event)
Mark Walters with Pat Nevin at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Edna O'Brien (2016 Event)
Ian McEwan
Joe Sacco & Chris Ware (2013 event)
Andy Hamilton (2017 Event)
David Campbell