Paul Durcan (2012 event)
'If there were a prize for best reader of one’s own poems, Paul Durcan would probably win it hands down,' proclaimed the Guardian's reviewer of Durcan's latest poetry collection, Praise in Which I Live and Move and Have My Being. The popular Dublin-born writer paid a well overdue visit to the Edinburgh International Book Festival in 2012 (his first since 1995) and thrilled audiences with his quirky, jaunty, insightful new poems. This is a live recording of the event.
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Book Festival News
Celebrating the 2024 Book FestivalMonday 26 August
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Kristen Iversen (2013 event)
Blake Morrison (2018 Event)
Ben Okri (2018 Event)
Elizabeth Laird reading Red Wolves in the Mist
Tim Winton at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Val McDermid with Nicola Sturgeon (2015 Event)
Neil Forsyth (2012 event)
Niall Ferguson (2011 Event)
Jonathan Agnew (2013 event)
Ian McEwan with Alex Salmond (2012 event)