Richard Coles (2015 Event)
He was once part of 1980s pop duo The Communards but later resurrected his career as the Reverend Richard Coles, and is currently tending to his flock in a parish in Northamptonshire. In Fathomless Riches, he explains how he reconciled his old life in that hedonistic and highly politicised decade with a more contemplative self which made him one of the inspirations for the clerics in the sitcom Rev and the movie Bridget Jones’ Diary. Watch his event here, chaired by Richard Holloway.
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Book Festival News
Celebrating the 2024 Book FestivalMonday 26 August
Watch more
Patricia Lockwood: Postmodernism for the Internet Generation
Caleb Azumah Nelson: Diving into Black Culture
Jessie Burton: Return to the Doll’s House
David Crystal (2015 Event)
Karl Ove Knausgaard: The Familiar Made Strange
Prue Leith at the Edinburgh International Book Festival
Chan Koonchung (2011 event)
Anne Applebaum: Democracy Under Siege
Matthieu Aikins, Sally Hayden & Polly Pallister-Wilkins: Bordering on Inhumane
Ghada Karmi (2015 Event)